Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Wine Party!

What better way to spend Halloween than with a case of Veris Cellars wine, friends in costumes, games, food and some pumpkin carving!  We have the links and tips for you right here.

If you want to carve a pumpkin like a pro, than check out this link and get the tools and skills to step up your game and be the best at the party.
To accompany your flowing wine, try these delicious ideas for Halloween appetizers that actually look and taste good with your vino!
And to get the party started and then revved up the whole night while you are carving and drinking and are some fun games for adults. 'Cuz we like to play too!
And as always, don't forget to get your case of wine for your scary shindig!  I recommend the JanKris Merlot or Cabernet that is on sale for only $60 a case! Can't go wrong there!  Enjoy and drive safely!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Golf Tips

It can be hard for some golfers to turn a trip to the driving range into something more than just an opportunity to smack a bucket full of balls into an open vineyard...well I guess there aren't any other driving ranges over vineyards, but you know what we mean.
Turning your driving range time into quality practice time takes dedication and focus, but in the end, it can help you improve your game and lower your score on the course.
Instead of bashing a full bucket of balls with the same club, try making a mental game out of your next trip to Veris Cellars, or any golf driving range!  Pick  a standard hole distance, such as 350 yards, for example.  Luckily we have markers in the vines for you so you can see just how far your ball is going!  Pull out your usual club off the tee, such as your driver or feel free to use one of our many complimentary clubs, and give it your best shot.
When you hit a quality shot on the driving range, take a second and close your eyes.  Take a few deep breaths and envision the shot you just hit in your mind, along with the pure swing you just used.  This will help establish a mental connection and then on the course you will naturally perfom the same solid swing as you visualize what you did on the driving range.
And lastly, focus on one weakness at a time.  Practice it several times such as rotating your hips or follow through, until you get it perfect.  And as always, share a bottle of Ben Hogan while you are at it!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Romance in the Vines, A Love Story

Excerpt from our Wine Club Newsletter "Dirt from the Vine"

"Romance in the Vines"

By Kat Bent-Slay

She was hot from the windy, dry day, and in the afternoon sun she could see a small area of shade up ahead.  Her wild, curly, golden hair danced around her face as a breeze caught her up and she closed her eyes, savoring the small kiss of coolness on her body.  Walking through the tall vines full of ringlets, plump grapes, and papery leaves, she found herself at the large oak tree she had spotted.

"Kyra!" She heard from behind her browned, exposed shoulder where her sundress strap had slipped over.  She looked in the bright sun squinting her earthy green eyes.  Her long, lush lashes fluttered as she saw a dark figure approach from within the vines.

"Hi Oliver, what are you doing out here?" She coyly said peering at the man she had seen so many times in recent dreams.  They always started with his soft lips on her neck and ended with a curious ride on a train.  Often she would wake and wonder why his dark brown eyes looked into her sleepy thoughts, his muscled body from all of his many days out surfing on the coast, and his mischievous smile would haunt her quivering body as she kept reaching for him, yet never being able to touch his skin.  She would always awake, as the soft lips would leaver her neck and she would see him boarding a train.

"You okay?" He asked gently very close to her now.  She snapped out of her vision and realized he was brushing the hair from her face and looking down at her with concern.  A fire fighter by trade, he naturally looked her over to make sure she wasn't close to fainting. 

"I'm fine Oliver, just lost in thought and I am pretty hot out here.  I just wanted a walk but I went a bit far." She smiled at him and cocked her head a bit pushing a hip closer to his direction.  Kyra loved working out at the ranch that was also a winery, and often ventured out into the vines to catch a moment away from her daily grind.  Her father worked the land and the grapes as if they were his true legacy and Kyra made sure it all ran with as much vigor and passion as her father sweat into it.

"You came out to see me?  You are far from your beloved ocean" She coyly looked at him with a bit of question.  Oliver was not often away from his station or his seaside home but their friendship and connection had lasted from the time they first met on the beach when she was only a teenager.  She had always wanted to see past his mysterious and handsome wall, but saw how many other beautiful women had caught his dark eyes.  She was always so close it hurt, not to feel his heat on her as well, but she cared for him too much to let her emotions go too far.

"Kyra, I ...I had a dream about you and I just had to come see was..different and I could almost believe it was real."  He slowly said looking now down at his hands that softly rested on her slim hips.  Her sundress had picked up the breeze and her full breasts and toned waist were clearly visible.  She looked at his face as it studied her form, as if he had never seen her before, and he swallowed hard.  She suddenly had a burning in her gut like a fire had lit and a small shudder went through her.  The locust started to sing and she licked the salty glow off her full lips as her heart started beating a bit faster.

"Was it a good dream...was it like mine?"  Her eyes became heavy and her voice rasped with the last part of her words, remembering her dreams so recent, so real.

"You have been having them too?" He asked in a low, deep voice as he softly caressed the side of her neck with the tips of his fingers.  His light touch stirred her fire and she ached for more as he slowly brought her hips closer to his.  He had on cargo shorts and a tight surf tee shirt, revealing his strong frame, and she could smell his natural cologne through the heat his body generated.

"Yes Oliver...almost every night for the last few weeks...they are very...detailed." She said softly close to his ear now as he dipped his head toward her chest, smelling her honey flower aroma.  Suddenly he popped up and looked deep into her eyes, as if trying to read her mind.  Her eyes went wide and lips pursed in anticipation, as Oliver passionately started kissing her hot mouth.  She reached up around his neck and he pulled her into him as if they were jumping from a plane and he couldn't let her go.  His hands reached under her silky fabric and cupped her firm buttocks and she let out a soft groan still melted into his full lips.  He tasted savory as he spoke to her through his kisses, deep and meaningful telling her how he felt, then light and sweet to show his tenderness.  His hands went up to her loose arm straps and slowly pulled them down over her shoulders.  Her dress fell to the soft earth as the breeze on her naked skin tingled all over.  He held her cheeks in his hands looking at her face.

"You are better than any dream." He whispered still fixated on her searching eyes.  Then he pulled out a sandy towel from his backpack slung on his shoulder, shook it out and laid it under the tree.  He turned and gazed lovingly at her form, then he reached out his hand as she took it...

To be continued....